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V. Fill in with the correct preposition. 21. His injuries call------immediate medical examination. 22. The doctor promised to call---- to check the state of the patient. 23. Our relatives called------to visit our family. 24. The meeting was called -----due to the illness of the manager. 25. The survivors of the earthquake were calling ----beneath the collar building.


21. His injuries call **for** immediate medical examination. 22. The doctor promised to call **back** to check the state of the patient. 23. Our relatives called **in** to visit our family. 24. The meeting was called **off** due to the illness of the manager. 25. The survivors of the earthquake were calling **from** beneath the collapsed building. **Объяснение:** В этом задании нужно вставить правильный предлог. * call for - призывать * call back - перезвонить * call in - зайти в гости * call off - отменить * call from - звонить из
