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II. Complete the sentences with the words derived from the words in brackets. 6. I have made a good (protect) for my car. 7. Betty has got the (appear) of a Hollywood film star. 8. Come to our meeting if you need a little (guide) on your career. 9. My cousin has got an excellent (collect) of car models. 10. We have got an (invite) from our distance relatives.


6. I have made a good **protector** for my car. 7. Betty has got the **appearance** of a Hollywood film star. 8. Come to our meeting if you need a little **guidance** on your career. 9. My cousin has got an excellent **collection** of car models. 10. We have got an **invitation** from our distance relatives. **Объяснение:** В этом задании нужно образовать новые слова от тех, что даны в скобках, чтобы предложения имели смысл. * **6:** *Protect* (защищать) -> *protector* (защитник). * **7:** *Appear* (появляться) -> *appearance* (внешний вид). * **8:** *Guide* (направлять) -> *guidance* (руководство). * **9:** *Collect* (собирать) -> *collection* (коллекция). * **10:** *Invite* (приглашать) -> *invitation* (приглашение).
