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IV. Fill in be used to, used to, get used to in the correct form. 16. Now Nelly has no difficulties in getting up early. She ---------it. 17. When we were young, we -play with dolls and teddy bears. 18. I don't like the noise of the city, but I am slowly --------it. 19. I have already -------my new friend. 20. In his childhood Mike -----ride a bike.


16. Now Nelly has no difficulties in getting up early. She **is used to** it. 17. When we were young, we **used to play** with dolls and teddy bears. 18. I don't like the noise of the city, but I am slowly **getting used to** it. 19. I have already **got used to** my new friend. 20. In his childhood Mike **used to ride** a bike. **Объяснение:** * **be used to** (быть привыкшим к чему-то): означает, что кто-то привык к чему-то. * **used to** (использовался): означает, что что-то делалось в прошлом регулярно, но сейчас уже не делается. * **get used to** (привыкать к чему-то): означает процесс привыкания.
