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III. Put the verbs into -ing form or infinitive with or without to. 11. I can't wait (go) on holidays. 12. Nick is looking forward to (have) his birthday party. 13. I wanted (watch) the film yesterday. 14. Would you like to have some coffee? 15. Let's (go) to the circus.


11. I can't wait **to go** on holidays. 12. Nick is looking forward to **having** his birthday party. 13. I wanted **to watch** the film yesterday. 14. Would you like **to have** some coffee? 15. Let's **go** to the circus. **Объяснение:** * После *can't wait* используется инфинитив с *to*. * После *looking forward to* используется герундий (форма *-ing*). * После *want* используется инфинитив с *to*. * После *would like* используется инфинитив с *to*. * После *Let's* используется глагол в начальной форме без *to*.
