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Карточка 7в. Выбери нужное слово. 1. My hands are (cleaner/clean) than your hands. 2. Russia is the (larger/largest) country. 3. In the city the rivers are (dirtier/dirty) than in the country. 4. Tom is the (worse/worst) pupil in our class.


1. My hands are *cleaner* than your hands. (Мои руки чище, чем твои.) 2. Russia is the *largest* country. (Россия - самая большая страна.) 3. In the city the rivers are *dirtier* than in the country. (В городе реки грязнее, чем в деревне.) 4. Tom is the *worst* pupil in our class. (Том - худший ученик в нашем классе.)
