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Карточка 6а. Напиши по образцу: Peter is the shortest (short) boy in his class. 1. It is ______ (old) house in the town. 2. It is ______ (big) elephant at the Zoo. 3. It is ______ (hot) day of the month. 4. Ann is ______ (tall) girl in the class.


1. It is an *old* house in the town. (Это старый дом в городе.) 2. It is a *big* elephant at the Zoo. (Это большой слон в зоопарке.) 3. It is a *hot* day of the month. (Это жаркий день месяца.) 4. Ann is a *tall* girl in the class. (Аня - высокая девочка в классе.)
