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Карточка 4в. Напиши, что они самые-самые. 1. That is ______ (beautiful) car in the shop. 2. Tim is ______ (good) pupil in his class. 3. That is ______ (funny) story in the book. 4. Jane is ______ (short) of the five girls.


1. That is a *beautiful* car in the shop. (Эта красивая машина в магазине.) 2. Tim is a *good* pupil in his class. (Тим - хороший ученик в своем классе.) 3. That is a *funny* story in the book. (Это смешной рассказ в книге.) 4. Jane is the *shortest* of the five girls. (Джейн - самая низкая из пяти девочек.)
