Смотреть решения всех заданий с фото

5. Fill in: into, out of, through, away, over. 1. I ran _________ Alex yesterday on my way to work. 2. We've run _________ sugar. 3. I think you should run this role _________ again and again. 4. I saw a man running _________ the police last night. 5. My cat got run _________ by a car yesterday.


1. I ran **into** Alex yesterday on my way to work. 2. We've run **out of** sugar. 3. I think you should run this role **over** again and again. 4. I saw a man running **away** from the police last night. 5. My cat got run **through** by a car yesterday. **Объяснение:** * **into** - случайно встретил. * **out of** - закончился. * **over** - еще раз. * **away** - убегал. * **through** - промчался.
