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3. Complete the sentences with verbs formed using the prefixes re-, dis-, mis-, under-, over-: 1) They _________ in the restaurant but they gave us some money back. (charge) 2) The foreigners are difficult to understand because they _________ many Russian words. 3) My art teacher asked me to _________ my drawing because I had made some mistakes. 4) Waiter! This steak is _________! I asked for rare! (cooked) 5) My keys _________ today. I cannot find them anywhere (appeared)


1) They **undercharged** us in the restaurant but they gave us some money back. 2) The foreigners are difficult to understand because they **misunderstand** many Russian words. 3) My art teacher asked me to **redo** my drawing because I had made some mistakes. 4) Waiter! This steak is **overcooked**! I asked for rare! (cooked) 5) My keys **disappeared** today. I cannot find them anywhere (appeared) **Объяснение:** * **undercharged** (недосчитали) - подходит по смыслу, так как они получили деньги обратно. * **misunderstand** (неправильно понимают) - иностранцам трудно понять, так как они неверно понимают слова. * **redo** (переделать) - нужно переделать рисунок из-за ошибок. * **overcooked** (пережарен) - стейк пережарен, а просили с кровью. * **disappeared** (исчезли) - ключи исчезли, поэтому их не могут найти.
