Смотреть решения всех заданий с фото

1. Fill in action-packed, artistic, perfectly still, private, remain: 1) While the photographer was taking our picture we stayed _________. 2) That house is his _________. 3) Why does that artist want to _________? I really want to know who made this stunning piece of _________. 4) For an evening at home, Armageddon is a(n) _________ film that will have you on the edge of your seats! 5) In Rainbows marks the band's change to a more _________ style of music with many songs.


1) While the photographer was taking our picture we stayed **action-packed**. 2) That house is his **private** property. 3) Why does that artist want to **remain** anonymous? I really want to know who made this stunning piece of art which is **perfectly still**. 4) For an evening at home, Armageddon is a(n) **artistic** film that will have you on the edge of your seats! 5) In Rainbows marks the band's change to a more **artistic** style of music with many songs. **Объяснение:** * **action-packed** (динамичный, насыщенный событиями) подходит для описания того, как они себя вели во время фотосъемки. * **private** (частный) подходит для описания собственности. * **remain** (оставаться) подходит к желанию художника остаться анонимным. * **perfectly still** (совершенно неподвижный) характеризует предмет искусства. * **artistic** (артистичный) подходит для описания стиля музыки.
