Смотреть решения всех заданий с фото

VI. Correct the mistakes.


1. Neither George nor Mary was happy about the idea. -> Neither George nor Mary **was happy** about the idea. * Объяснение: После "neither... nor" глагол согласуется с ближайшим существительным. 2. The sun raises in the East and sets in the West, right? -> The sun **rises** in the East and sets in the West, right? * Объяснение: Правильное написание глагола "rise" (подниматься). 3. It's so cold tonight, dress your warm coat. -> It's so cold tonight, **put on** your warm coat. * Объяснение: Правильный фразовый глагол: put on (надевать). 4. He used to calling on her once or twice a week. -> He used to **call** on her once or twice a week. * Объяснение: После "used to" используется инфинитив без "to". 5. John decided to buy in the morning a new car but in the afternoon he changed his mind. -> John decided to buy a new car in the morning but in the afternoon he changed his mind. *Объяснение: buy следует употребить без предлога.* 6. After George had returned to the house, he was reading a book. -> After George **returned** to the house, he was reading a book. * Объяснение: Нет необходимости использовать Past Perfect (had returned), т.к. последовательность событий ясна. 7. The food that Mark is cooking in the kitchen is smelling delicious. -> The food that Mark is cooking in the kitchen **smells** delicious. * Объяснение: Правильное согласование глагола с существительным (food - ед. число).
