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3 Put the words in order to make sentences. Put the verbs in the past simple affirmative. 1 eat / we / some / food / delicious 2 they / catch / the beach / the train / to 3 in Australia / spent / I / three weeks / last year 4 want / she / temple / the ancient / to see


Решение: 1. We ate some delicious food. (Мы ели вкусную еду.) 2. They caught the train to the beach. (Они поймали поезд до пляжа.) 3. I spent three weeks in Australia last year. (Я провел три недели в Австралии в прошлом году.) 4. She wanted to see the ancient temple. (Она хотела увидеть древний храм.) Ответ: 1. We ate some delicious food. 2. They caught the train to the beach. 3. I spent three weeks in Australia last year. 4. She wanted to see the ancient temple.
