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2 Complete the sentences with could/couldn't and the verbs given. 1 When I was six I ________ Italian, but I can now. (speak) 2 My grandmother ________ emails when she was young because there wasn't the Internet! (send) 3 They ________ lots of cheap souvenirs, including shortbread. (buy) 4 Freddie ________ his tickets online, so we can do the same. (reserve) 5 We ________ our passports, so we missed our flight. (find)


Решение: 1. When I was six I **couldn't speak** Italian, but I can now. (Когда мне было шесть, я не мог говорить по-итальянски, но сейчас могу.) 2. My grandmother **couldn't send** emails when she was young because there wasn't the Internet! (Моя бабушка не могла отправлять электронные письма, когда была молодой, потому что не было Интернета!) 3. They **could buy** lots of cheap souvenirs, including shortbread. (Они могли купить много дешевых сувениров, включая песочное печенье.) 4. Freddie **could reserve** his tickets online, so we can do the same. (Фредди мог забронировать свои билеты онлайн, поэтому мы можем сделать то же самое.) 5. We **couldn't find** our passports, so we missed our flight. (Мы не смогли найти наши паспорта, поэтому опоздали на наш рейс.) Ответ: 1. couldn't speak 2. couldn't send 3. could buy 4. could reserve 5. couldn't find
