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Прочитай рассказ. Вставь вместо каждого пропуска, обозначенного буквами А-Е, нужную грамматическую форму, выбрав её из трёх предложенных вариантов (1, 2 или 3).


Okay, let's fill in the blanks in the text. For A, the sentence is "Last year I visited Siberia. I ____ Lake Baikal". The correct verb tense is past simple, since it mentions 'Last year', so the answer is 2) saw. For B, the sentence is "also the ____ freshwater lake in the world". Here we need an adjective, and in this case the superlative degree since we are comparing with all other lakes in the world. The correct answer is 1) oldest. For C, the sentence is "about 100 volcanoes but there are ____ active ones". The best word to use here is 1) some, which means a few. The others dont make sense in this context. For D, the sentence is "a lot of people ____ it every year". In this sentence we need the word "visit", since it is the action people do each year in reference to the lake, we need to use the base form, so the answer is 1) visit. For E, the sentence is "People like taking photos of ____". Here we need a pronoun in the possessive case, since we refer to the plants and animals, the correct answer is 2) them. So, the filled text is: Last year I visited Siberia. I saw Lake Baikal. It is also the oldest freshwater lake in the world. It is 25 million years old. There are about 100 volcanoes but there are some active ones. 336 rivers flow into Lake Baikal. Only one flows out, which is the Upper Angara. There are more than thirty rocky islands in this lake. One of them is Olkhon. A lot of people visit it every year. Lake Baikal is home to thousands of different plants and animals. People like taking photos of them. Now, let's fill in the table: A - 2 B - 1 C - 1 D - 1 E - 2
