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Помоги своему другу заполнить анкету для сайта «Друзья онлайн». Прочитай текст и запиши информацию в таблицу. Под каждым номером запиши только одно слово (без артиклей). Числа необходимо записать словами.


Let's analyze the text about Tom Ivanov and extract the necessary information. Based on the text: Tom is from Russia. He is 9 years old. Tom lives in Saratov. He has got a younger sister and an older brother. The children have got a cat. Tom likes playing football. He wants to be a professional football player in the future. He likes juice but he doesn't like milk. Based on the text, we can fill the table, using single words (without articles), numbers as words. So, the required information is: Russia nine Saratov sister football juice
