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C Rewrite the following statements in reported speech. 16. "It's so chilly this evening," Jill said. 17. "I visited Spain last year," he said. 18. "Tom was late this morning," Ben said. 19. "We'll go to Italy next year," said Jane. 20. "They are going away on holiday next week," Su said. 21. "I haven't talked to Jane recently,” Ann said.


Here are the rewritten statements in reported speech: 16. Jill said that it was so chilly that evening. 17. He said that he had visited Spain the previous year. 18. Ben said that Tom had been late that morning. 19. Jane said that they would go to Italy the following year. 20. Su said that they were going away on holiday the following week. 21. Ann said that she hadn't talked to Jane recently.
