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A. Fill in the missing word. There are two answers you do not need to use. Native, beneath, give, varied, drive, catch, snaps, unspoilt, majestic, sunstroke, boat, landmarks 1. I can't stand Ben and Liz. They ______ me crazy. 2. You should wear a hat in hot weather and drink lots of water to avoid ______ 3. We had a ______ view of the ocean from our hotel room. 4. All the flights are delayed, so we are all in the same ______ 5. Did you know that the ______ people of Australia are called Aborigines? 6. I was cleaning out my room and found some old ______ from our childhood holidays. 7. Can you please drive me a lift to school, Dad? 8. The area was ______ countryside, before the town was built. 9. There was a ______ menu at the hotel restaurant. 10. If we hurry, we can ______ the 8 o'clock train.


Here are the answers with explanations: 1. I can't stand Ben and Liz. They **drive** me crazy. (Раздражают меня до безумия.) 2. You should wear a hat in hot weather and drink lots of water to avoid **sunstroke**. (Чтобы избежать солнечного удара.) 3. We had a **majestic** view of the ocean from our hotel room. (У нас был величественный вид на океан из нашего номера.) 4. All the flights are delayed, so we are all in the same **boat**. (Все рейсы задержаны, так что мы все в одной лодке.) 5. Did you know that the **native** people of Australia are called Aborigines? (Вы знали, что коренные жители Австралии называются аборигенами?) 6. I was cleaning out my room and found some old **snaps** from our childhood holidays. (Я разбирал свою комнату и нашёл старые снимки с наших детских каникул.) 7. Can you please drive me a lift to school, Dad? (Можешь, пожалуйста, подвезти меня до школы, пап? - Слово 'drive' уже дано в предложении, так что его не нужно вставлять повторно.) 8. The area was **unspoilt** countryside, before the town was built. (Эта местность была нетронутой сельской местностью до того, как был построен город.) 9. There was a **varied** menu at the hotel restaurant. (В ресторане отеля было разнообразное меню.) 10. If we hurry, we can **catch** the 8 o'clock train. (Если поторопимся, мы успеем на поезд в 8 часов.)
