Смотреть решения всех заданий с фото

Впиши 'is' или 'are'. 1. There four rooms in the house. 2. There a car next to the house 3. There two children in the family. 4. There a sofa in the living room. 5. There a pencil case in the desk. 6. There three books in the school bag. 7. There two sandwiches in the lunch-box. 8. There an apple on the table.


1. There are four rooms in the house. 2. There is a car next to the house. 3. There are two children in the family. 4. There is a sofa in the living room. 5. There is a pencil case in the desk. 6. There are three books in the school bag. 7. There are two sandwiches in the lunch-box. 8. There is an apple on the table. **Объяснение:** * **is** используется с существительными в единственном числе. * **are** используется с существительными во множественном числе.
