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Use the appropriate forms of the words on the right to complete the text. When Mr. Otis bought Canterville Castle, he 1. ____ that it was a very foolish thing to do, because everyone knew that the place was haunted. Lord Canterville, who was one of the 2. ____ people, told Mr. Otis about it: "We 3. ____ in this place 4. ____ since my mother's aunt 5. ____ by the ghost. It put two skeleton hands on her shoulders while she 6. ____ for dinner. My mother's aunt got so frightened that she 7. ____ ill, and she never really recovered." But Mr. Otis answered: "Sir, I will take the furniture and the ghost together with 8. ____ castle. I come from the 9. ____ country in the world, where we have everything that can 10. ____ with money."


1. told 2. honest 3. do not live 4. we frighten 5. was dressed 6. took 7. frightened 8. you 9. one 10. buy
