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Упражнение 4. Выберите правильный вариант глагола.


1. Last summer we visited all the interesting places in the region. 2. There are footprints everywhere! Someone has come here! 3. It is an interesting book, I have read it. 4. They are not in the city, they have moved to the country for the summer. 5. Mr Brown changed his job last year. 6. When did you go to France? 7. I have never watched this film. 8. They watched an interesting movie a week ago. 9. Last winter she sold her flat and went to live abroad. 10. She broke her leg in the childhood. Объяснение: Необходимо выбрать правильную форму глагола в зависимости от времени и контекста предложения. Смотрим на слова-маркеры времени и определяем, какое время подходит.
