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1 Rewrite the following sentences in the passive.


1. We don't add any harmful ingredients to our products. Answer: Any harmful ingredients aren't added to our products. Explanation: This is the passive voice version of the sentence. The object becomes the subject, and the verb is changed to the passive form. 2. The Government is now building a lot of new schools in the provinces. Answer: A lot of new schools are now being built in the provinces by the Government. Explanation: This is passive progressive, it means ongoing action is the focus. It is implied that government does that, thus optional to mention it. 3. The police have just arrested him on suspicion of cruelty to animals. Answer: He has just been arrested on suspicion of cruelty to animals by the police. Explanation: The use of the perfect tense (have arrested) shifts to the passive perfect (has been arrested). 4. They are going to open a new supermarket next week. Answer: A new supermarket is going to be opened next week. Explanation: Passive with 'going to', indicating a future plan.
