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21 Put in the prepositions where necessary. 1) Have you already bought a ticket ... performance ... London? The theatre begins ... a quarter ... the play, ... the way? 2) How did you travel ... mountains ... last summer? Did you go ... car or did you go ... foot? 3) Who will take part ... this work? I think many will because it's popular ... our pupils. 4) Where are our seats? We're lucky ... the stalls. I'm fond ... sitting ... the stalls as you can see ... the stage very well.


1) Have you already bought a ticket **for** the performance **in** London? The theatre begins **at** a quarter **of** the play, **by** the way? 2) How did you travel **to** mountains **in** last summer? Did you go **by** car or did you go **on** foot? 3) Who will take part **in** this work? I think many will because it's popular **with** our pupils. 4) Where are our seats? We're lucky **in** the stalls. I'm fond **of** sitting **in** the stalls as you can see **from** the stage very well. **Перевод:** 1) Ты уже купил билет на представление в Лондоне? Театр начинается в четверть чего-то по пути? 2) Как вы путешествовали в горы прошлым летом? Вы ездили на машине или шли пешком? 3) Кто примет участие в этой работе? Я думаю, многие примут участие, потому что это популярно среди наших учеников. 4) Где наши места? Нам повезло в партере. Я люблю сидеть в партере, так как хорошо вижу со сцены.
