Смотреть решения всех заданий с фото

Посмотри на картинку и заполни пропуски. (20 баллов) ny room! Look at my 1) ... rocking horse. It's very nice. Can my tea set? It's 2) ... My chairs are 3) ... . And look at my adio! It looks like a 4) .a. mouse!


Let's fill in the blanks based on the context: 1) **a** rocking horse 2) **a** tea set 3) **two** chairs 4) **a** radio, it looks like a mouse So the completed sentences are: Look at my **a** rocking horse. It's very nice. Can my tea set? It's **a** tea set. My chairs are **two**. And look at my radio! It looks like a mouse!
