Контрольные задания > Match the words to form phrases.
1 swimming
2 electrical
3 department
4 rubbish
5 overnight
6 entrance
a guests
b pool
c tickets
d bin
e store
f appliances
Match the words to form phrases.
1 swimming
2 electrical
3 department
4 rubbish
5 overnight
6 entrance
a guests
b pool
c tickets
d bin
e store
f appliances
1. swimming - b pool (плавательный бассейн)
2. electrical - f appliances (электроприборы)
3. department - e store (универмаг)
4. rubbish - d bin (мусорный бак)
5. overnight - a guests (ночные гости)
6. entrance - c tickets (входные билеты)