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Exercise 2: Угадай животное. 2) I am the ship of the desert. I can go for days without water. I have got long legs and I can walk on hot sand.
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Exercise 2: Угадай животное. 2) I am the ship of the desert. I can go for days without water. I have got long legs and I can walk on hot sand.
Похожие Exercise 2: Угадай животное. 1) I am a big and strong orange cat. Everyone says I am the king. I live in the jungle and eat meat. Exercise 2: Угадай животное. 2) I am the ship of the desert. I can go for days without water. I have got long legs and I can walk on hot sand. Exercise 2: Угадай животное. 3) I am the largest animal on our Planet. I have got big ears and a long trunk. I love to play with water and my favourite food is grass and fruits. Exercise 2: Угадай животное. 4) I am very dangerous. You may not see me, because I am close to the ground. I don't walk, I crawl. Watch out, because I can bite! Exercise 3: Распредели глаголы по столбикам. play, try, do, carry, cry, get, catch, live, wash, fly, swim, buy, study, mix, go