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Exercise 12 requires choosing between "all" and "both" to complete the sentences. Please fill in the blanks with the correct option.


Alright class, let's complete the exercise by choosing between "all" and "both" for each sentence. 1. - What films do you like? - I like **all** French films. * Explanation: Since the question is about what films in general the person likes, "all" is more appropriate. 2. - Where are your sisters? – They are **both** on a trip to Moscow. * Explanation: Since the person has sisters (plural) and they are together on a trip, "both" makes sense. 3. - Where do you stay in St. Petersburg? - I can **both** go to my friends and stay in a hotel. * Explanation: I can do both things: go to my friends and stay in a hotel 4. - Are you the youngest in the team? – No, **all** of my teammates are younger than me. * Explanation: Since the person wants to explain that every teammate is younger than him, "all" is more suitable. 5. - You gave me two answers. Which one is correct? - **Both** are correct. * Explanation: Since there are two answers in question, the correct option is "both".
