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Complete the letter using the verbs provided in the correct tense.


Okay, let's fill in the blanks in the letter using the verbs provided and making sure we put them in the correct tense. The verbs to choose from are: 'do', 'play', 'relax', 'wake up', 'have', 'walk', 'watch', 'go', and 'plant'. Here's how the letter will look with the blanks filled in: Dear Jane, Hi! How are you? I'm great! It's the holidays and we are in our new house. I love it! Every day, I (1) **wake up** late and (2) **have** breakfast at around 10 in the morning. Later, I often (3) **go** for a walk or (4) **play** board games with my brother. In the evening, we all (5) **watch** TV and then we have dinner. We go to bed late. It's so nice here. I (6) **relax** on the balcony right now. The weather is brilliant. Josh (7) **plants** some flowers in the garden. My parents (8) **do** the shopping in town. And you? Are you having a good time on your holidays? Write soon! Lyn **Explanation of Choices:** * **(1) wake up:** We use 'wake up' in the present simple tense because it describes a routine action of waking up every day. * **(2) have:** We use 'have' in present simple because it is referring to having breakfast. * **(3) go:** 'go' is used here to indicate the activity of going for a walk, in present simple tense as it is an habitual action. * **(4) play:** 'play' in present simple as well because it describes a routine activity done during the holidays. * **(5) watch:** 'watch' is used in the present simple tense because it describes a habitual action. * **(6) relax:** 'relax' is used to indicate the action of relaxing, happening at the moment of writing, using present simple tense. * **(7) plants:** 'plants' is used in present simple tense as a routine action. * **(8) do:** 'do' is used in present simple to describe the habitual action of going shopping.
