Conversation 1
Peter: How much do you charge for your lessons?
Matt: That depends on how rich the family is.
Conversation 2
Cath: Who are you working for today, Tess?
Tess: An Italian restaurant. I'm lucky. John's over there in the funny regular but they've only got one.
Cath: What is it?
Tess: I'm not sure. I think it's some kind of pasta.
Conversation 3
Emma: Do you really like babysitting, Sylvie?
Sylvie: Yes, I love it. Why, don't you?
Emma: No, it's really boring. Nothing happens. I hate watching TV. And sometimes I work on Friday evenings, sometimes on Saturdays. I'd like to work 2 extra hours - and not in the evening.
Sylvie: Take your school books. You can do your revision and get paid for it!