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4. Choose the correct response. eg. I'm looking for a present for a friend. G


1. How about this cat board? - A. Monopoly and Scrabble, This is not the answer 2. Do you like swimming? - D. Yes, I'm very keen on it. This is the correct answer, as it expresses personal preference about swimming 3. What board games do you like? - A. Monopoly and Scrabble, This is not the answer, as it expresses personal preference about games not a response to a game 4. How much is this puzzle? - E. It's €15. This is a price 5. What do you do in your free time? - B. I love going windsurfing, this expresses what one does in free time 6. Would you like me to wrap it? - F. Great! I'll take it. This expresses affirmation of the offer Correct answers: 1. C (How about this cat board? - Yes please, that would be great) 2. D (Do you like swimming? - Yes, I'm very keen on it) 3. A (What board games do you like? - Monopoly and Scrabble) 4. E (How much is this puzzle? - It's €15) 5. B (What do you do in your free time? - I love going windsurfing.) 6. F (Would you like me to wrap it? - Great! I'll take it.)
