Контрольные задания > 2. Прочитайте рассказ. Вставьте вместо каждого пропуска, обозначенного буквами А-Е, нужную грамматическую форму.
Young musician
Eleven-year-old Alice plays the violin beautifully. Every day, she A ____ with her school band, which performs at local events. Alice loves writing songs; she has written three this month. Last week, she B ____ a song about friendship. Her friends say her music is C ____ than many pop songs they hear on the radio. Alice's passion for music inspires her classmates, and they often ask her for advice. Last year, she joined the band, and it D ____ the best decision of her life. She E ____ more confident. Now, she dreams of performing on bigger stages one day. Music is definitely her greatest joy!
2. Прочитайте рассказ. Вставьте вместо каждого пропуска, обозначенного буквами А-Е, нужную грамматическую форму.
Young musician
Eleven-year-old Alice plays the violin beautifully. Every day, she A ____ with her school band, which performs at local events. Alice loves writing songs; she has written three this month. Last week, she B ____ a song about friendship. Her friends say her music is C ____ than many pop songs they hear on the radio. Alice's passion for music inspires her classmates, and they often ask her for advice. Last year, she joined the band, and it D ____ the best decision of her life. She E ____ more confident. Now, she dreams of performing on bigger stages one day. Music is definitely her greatest joy!
A - 3) practicing, B - 1) wrote, C - 2) better, D - 3) was, E - 3) becomes