Контрольные задания >
2. I had two friends who wanted to be songwriters. Every time they wrote a new song, they _______ sing it for me. Then they _______ ask me for my opinion.
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2. I had two friends who wanted to be songwriters. Every time they wrote a new song, they _______ sing it for me. Then they _______ ask me for my opinion.
Похожие 1. Maya _______ live in Miami, and her sister _______ live in London. Now they both live in Brussels. 2. I had two friends who wanted to be songwriters. Every time they wrote a new song, they _______ sing it for me. Then they _______ ask me for my opinion. 3. When I was a child, I _______ hate tomatoes. I _______ hate mushrooms, too. Now I like them both. 4. Irma _______ work the night shift, but now she works 9 AM to 4 PM. 5. We _______ have a dog named Fida. She died when she was 14-a long life for a German Shepherd. 6. When Maya lived in Florida, she _______ go to the beach every Saturday. She _______ pack a lunch, and sometimes she _______ stay the whole day. She _______ read on the beach and take walks along the ocean. 7. When I had a dog, I _______ take her for long walks almost every day. Sometimes we _______ walk for an hour or more. 8. Alex _______ study French. Now he's thinking about living in Mexico for a year, so he's studying Spanish instead. 9. Irma worked the night shift for years. She _______ start working at 11 PM. At 7 AM she _______ go home and get her kids ready for school. Then she _______ sleep until 2 PM. 10. I _______ have two friends who wanted to be songwriters. I'm not sure where they are now. Someone told me they're in Hollywood, writing music for movies. 11. When I was a child, I hated tomatoes and mushrooms. Whenever my mother made a dish with tomatoes or mushrooms in it, I _______ pick them out and push them to the side of my plate. 12. When Alex studied French, he had a good system for learning new words. He _______ write each new word on a small card. Then, on the back of the card, he _______ write the word in his language. He _______ also write a sentence using the new word. He had more than a thousand cards.