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2 Fill in the correct word: dusting, cake, phone, decorations, homework, fireworks, tea, gardening, flowers, costumes 1. He always does his _______ in the evening. 2. We often watch the _______ on New Year's night. 3. Ann always makes a _______ call when she wants to speak to somebody. 4. Children give _______ to their mothers on the 8th of March. 5. People who love flowers love _______ in the morning to drink. 6. They make strong _______. 7. My mother sometimes makes a delicious _______ on my birthday. 8. We like to make _______. 9. I never wear Halloween _______. 10. When my room is dirty I always do the ______.


{ "1": "homework", "2": "fireworks", "3": "phone", "4": "flowers", "5": "tea", "6": "decorations", "7": "cake", "8": "gardening", "9": "costumes", "10": "dusting" }
