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2. Fill in: bushy, slim, overweight, crooked, fit, suits, try, joining, protruding, frizzy 1) Little Suzie thinks that her granddad's big __________ eyebrows look really funny. 2) Fiona hides her __________ ears behind her long hair. 3) That coat really __________ Bill. 4) She's got a very __________ figure. 5) Have you thought about __________ a gym. 6) I'm not happy with my __________ hair! I wish it was straight. 7) John is __________. He must go on a diet. 8) Peter is very proud of his __________ nose. 9) How about those trousers? They __________ you perfectly. 10) This dress is great. Why don't you __________ it on?


1) protruding, 2) frizzy, 3) suits, 4) slim, 5) joining, 6) crooked, 7) overweight, 8) protruding, 9) fit, 10) try
