Смотреть решения всех заданий с фото

132. Вставьте местоимения. (§6) 1. Can you see Valera? -Yes, I can see ________. 2. Can you hear Marina? - Yes, I can hear ________. 3. Can you invite the children? - Yes, I can invite ________. 4. I have got a sister. This is ________ photo. 5. This is ________ favourite armchair. 6. She's got a brother. ________ brother is two. 7. They have got a grandmother. ________ grandmother is from Vologda. 8. Vera has Maths today. ________ ruler is in the schoolbag. 9. The town is famous for ________ museums. 10. You have History today. Where is ________ atlas? 11. These are your toys, aren't they? Which is ________ favourite toy?


132. Вставьте местоимения. 1. Can you see Valera? -Yes, I can see him. 2. Can you hear Marina? - Yes, I can hear her. 3. Can you invite the children? - Yes, I can invite them. 4. I have got a sister. This is her photo. 5. This is his favourite armchair. 6. She's got a brother. Her brother is two. 7. They have got a grandmother. Their grandmother is from Vologda. 8. Vera has Maths today. Her ruler is in the schoolbag. 9. The town is famous for its museums. 10. You have History today. Where is your atlas? 11. These are your toys, aren't they? Which is your favourite toy? **Объяснение:** * **him, her, them**: Эти местоимения используются для обозначения людей в объектной форме (кого/что?). `Him` – его, `her` – её, `them` – их. * **her**: Указывает на принадлежность сестре. * **his**: Указывает на принадлежность (его любимое кресло). * **her**: Указывает на принадлежность (её брат). * **their**: Указывает на принадлежность (их бабушка). * **her**: Указывает на принадлежность (её линейка). * **its**: Используется для обозначения принадлежности неодушевлённому предмету (городу). * **your**: Указывает на принадлежность (твой атлас). * **your**: Указывает на принадлежность (твоя любимая игрушка).
