Решебник по английскому языку язык 9 класс. spotlight: student's book Ваулина | Страница 87

Серия:Английский в фокусе

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7. Послушайте, что произошло в конце. В группах, придумайте истории другой финал.

Shylock is now guilty for threatening a life of another man. He must give his property away, half to the state and half to Antonio. The judge wants Shylock to pay only a fine, not give the state his property. Antonio also tells Shylock to keep his property, but he must give it all to his daughter and her husband when he dies. Shylock agrees to everything and leaves. Antonio and his friends return to Belmont and they realize that their lawyer is Portia.

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Теперь Шейлок виновен в том, что угрожал другому человеку. Он должен отдать свою собственность: половину государству, половину Антонио. Судья хочет, чтобы Шейлок заплатил только штраф, а не отдавал государству свою собственность. Антонио также говорит Шейлоку, чтобы он оставил себе свою собственность, но он должен завещать ее своей дочери и ее мужу, когда тот умрет. Шейлок соглашается на все и уходит. Антонио и его друзья возвращаются в Белмонт и понимают, что их адвокатом была Порция.

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8. Напишите краткое изложение пьесы. Представьте его классу.

Antonio is a rich merchant from Venice. His friend Bassanio wants to marry the heiress, Portia. Bassanio asks his friend Antonio to lend him some money to marry Portia. Antonio doesn’t have his money at that moment. They decide to go to Shylock, a moneylender, and ask him to lend some money. Antonio promises Shylock a pound of flesh if he doesn’t give his money back on time. Unfortunately, Antonio loses his ships and money with them. Shylock takes Antonio and Bassanio to the court. Portia, Bassanio’s wife, dresses like a lawyer. Shylock is happy, because the lawyer says that the law allows to cut a pound of flesh from Bassanio’s chest. Then he is shocked and disappointed, because the lawyer says that if he spills one drop of blood while cutting a pound of flesh, he will die and everything he owns will be confiscated. Then he agrees to take much more money from the merchant and lets him go. But the lawyer says that she agrees to let Shylock cuts a pound of flesh. Shylock is now guilty for threatening a life of another man. He must give his property away, half to the state and half to Antonio. The judge wants Shylock to pay only a fine, not give the state his property. Antonio also tells Shylock to keep his property, but he must give it all to his daughter and her husband when he dies. Shylock agrees to everything and leaves. Antonio and his friends return to Belmont and they realize that their lawyer is Portia. They all celebrate a happy ending.

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9. Прочитайте цитату. Что она означает? Обсудите.

Наша судьба не в звездах, а в нас самих. – Уильям Шекспир

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This quote means that only we are responsible for our life.

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Эта цитата означает, что только мы несем ответственность за свою жизнь.

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10. В группах, соберите информацию о Шекспире и его пьесах. Представьте ее классу.

William Shakespeare (1564-1616). English poet and playwright. Shakespeare is widely known as the greatest writer in the English language. He wrote 38 plays and 154 sonnets. His early plays were mainly comedies (Much Ado about Nothing, A Midsummer’s Night Dream) and histories (Henry V). By the early 17th century, Shakespeare had begun to write plays in the genre of tragedy (Hamlet, Othello and King Lear).

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Уильям Шекспир (1564-1616). Английский поэт и автор пьес. Шекспир широко известен как величайший писатель, писавший на английском языке. Он написал 38 пьес и 154 сонет. Его ранние пьесы были в основном комедиями (Много шума из ничего, Сон в летнюю ночь) и историями (Генрих V). К началу 19го века Шекспир начал писать пьесы в жанре трагедии (Гамлет, Отелло, Король Лир).

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