Решебник по английскому языку 8 класс. spotlight: workbook Ваулина рабочая тетрадь | Страница 62

Тип:рабочая тетрадь
Серия:Английский в фокусе

Страница 62


1. Перепишите предложения, используя косвенную речь.

1. She said that she liked travelling by plane.

2. They said that they had visited Russia the previous winter.

3. The travel agent told us to take photocopies of our tickets and passports.

4. He asked Mary if she liked French food.

5. She told me not to let anyone carry my bags.

6. He said that he could speak German.

7. Judy asked Sam if he had ever lived abroad.

8. She asked Ron if he was going away the following week.

9. Alice said that she would be in Brighton the following weekend.

10. He asked where the nearest bus stop was.

11. She told me that she would call me next day.

12. He asked her what time her plane arrived.

2. Вставьте said/told.

1. said

2. told

3. told

4. said

5. told

6. said

3. Запишите вопросы, используя прямую речь.

1. “When will you be back?” - she asked them.

2. “Do you enjoy travelling?” - he asked her.

3. “When are you going on holiday?” - Jane asked Lucy.

4. “Have you ever visited Disneyland?” - John asked Liz.

4. Закончите второе предложение так, чтобы оно означало то же, что и первое предложение. Используйте до трех слов.

1) had missed

2) she could have

3) playing

4) she was flying

5) not to run

6) he had been

7) to have a

8) the hotel had

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