1. Прочитайте параграфы ниже и расставьте их по порядку.
а-2, b-1, c-4, d-3
2. Выберите подходящий заголовок к тексту.
A Blessing in Disguise
3. Используйте слова-связки, чтобы соединить предложения.
1. Joan swam to the surface and shouted for help but there was no answer.
2. When we got home, my mum was waiting for us.
3. The fire brigade arrived and they put out the fire.
4. I saw her as I was coming out of the building.
5. They had been looking for a flat for three months before they found one they liked.
6. Bill couldn’t sleep because of the noise.
4. a. Взгляните на картинку и на фразы и запишите начало истории, назвав ее “Это произошло со мной…”.
Last week, my friend Alex and I decided to go to a fairground. There was a Ferris wheel and we agreed to take a ride on it. We had been enjoying our city from a bird-sight-view, then suddenly the attraction stopped.
Добавить текст Вернуть оригиналb. Взгляните на картинку и напишите конец истории.
My friend Alex and I got frightened because of that accident, but a few minutes later the wheel started to move again. We were scared, but happy that our feet finally reached the ground.
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