1. Подпишите картинки.
1. figure skater
2. opera singer
3. film director
4. model
5. TV presenter
6. comedian
2. Решите кроссворд. Какое слово получилось под цифрой 7?
1. comic
2. attractive
3. talented
4. rich
5. successful
6. great
7. intelligent
3. Используйте прилагательные в рамочке, чтобы составить предложения, сравнив трех актрис.
1. Meryl Streep is as talented as Whoopi Goldberg.
2. Keira Knightley is the most beautiful actress of all.
3. Whoopi Goldberg is more successful than Keira Knightley.
4. Meryl Streep is the most successful of all.
5. Meryl Streep is less funny than Whoopi Goldberg.
6. Keira Knightley is the least well-known actress of all.
7. Keira Knightley is the least talented of all.
8. Whoopi Goldberg is funnier than Keira Knightley.
4. Перепишите второе предложение так, чтобы оно было похоже по значению с первым.
1. as smart as
2. the funniest film
3. more loudly than
4. more money than
5. perform as good as