1. Прочитайте текст и заполните пропущенную информацию в дневнике.
1. 8.15
2. 12.45
3. 5.00
4. 11.00
2. Поставьте галочку рядом с тем, что вы делаете и крестик рядом с тем, что вы не делаете в течение дня.
1. +
2. +
3. –
4. +
5. –
3. Теперь взгляните на дневник Марты и напишите о ее распорядке дня.
Martha wakes up at seven o’clock in the morning. After quick breakfast, she drives to school with her mum at eight o’clock. Classes start at nine and finish at half past three. Martha has lunch in the school canteen at twelve o’clock. After classes, she swims at the pool at four o’clock. In the evening, at half past six she does her homework. Martha has a family dinner at eight o’clock. Then she checks her email at nine o’clock. She usually goes to bed at ten o’clock.
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