10. Моя школа
1. Прочитайте о Паоло. Соедините заголовки а-е с параграфами 1-5.
2. c
3. b
4. e
5. a
2. Запишите вопросы к этим ответам.
2. What are your favourite things?
3. How old are you?
4. Who are your special friends?
5. What is the name of your school?
3. Используйте эти заметки, чтобы написать о Стелле.
I’m Stella and I’m 11 years old. I’m from Ireland. My school is called St Agnes Secondary
Добавить текст Вернуть оригиналSchool. There are 24 students in my class. All of them are girls. Donna and Mellie are my
Добавить текст Вернуть оригиналbest friends. Mr O’Brien is our teacher. He’s 26 years old. English and PE are my favourite subjects. A DVD player is my favourite thing in the classroom.
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