Решебник по английскому языку язык 5 класс. student's book Афанасьева Часть 2 | Страница 130

Серия:Rainbow English

Страница 130

4. А. Вставьте определенный артикль the там, где он необходим.

1. the – Мы можем увидеть Уральские Горы с самолета.

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2. the – Я знаю, что Тихий Океан – самый большой океан в мире.

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3. the – Многим людям нравится ездить отдыхать у Черного Моря.

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4. -, the – Москва расположена на Москве-Реке.

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В. Запишите множественное число данных слов.

Cities, churches, lives, children, reindeer, wolves, mice, sheep

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IV. Говорение

5. Скажите, что сможете о России. Расскажите о:

1. ее территории

2. растительном и животном мирах

3. больших городах

4. людях

Russia is the largest country in the world. It extends to the Pacific Ocean in the east, the Arctic Ocean in the north and the Caucasus Mountains and the Black Sea in the south. Russia is rich in seas, lakes, rivers and forests.

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There are many wild animals in Russian forests. Elks, wolves, bears, foxes, hares, squirrels and hedgehogs live in forests. You can meet the reindeer in the north of Russia. You can meet tigers in the Far East.

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There are many important cities on the territory of Russia. Visitors come to do St Petersburg, because it’s famous for its beauty. In Russia, there are thousands of cities and towns, large and small, old and new and every city or town is interesting in its way.

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People in Russia are open, brave and kind. There are many great actors, engineers, athletes, teachers, dancers etc. in this country. And Russians are proud of these famous people.

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V. Письмо

6. Напишите Диктант 6.

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