1. a) Решите кроссворд.
Elephant, cobra, crocodile, leopard, camel, deer, rhino, lion, tiger
Добавить текст Вернуть оригиналb) Какого цвета каждое животное?
The elephant is grey.
The cobra is black and yellow.
The crocodile is green.
The leopard is golden with black spots.
The camel is brown.
The deer is brown.
The rhino is grey.
The lion is brown and black.
The tiger is golden with black stripes.
2. a) Запишите глаголы в третьем лице единственном числе настоящего простого времени в верную категорию.
-s: swims, plays, lives, likes, says, laughs, walks, bites.
Добавить текст Вернуть оригинал-es: washes, relaxes, does, misses.
-ies: carries, cries.
b) Используйте их, чтобы составить предложения.
She carries heavy bags. He walks to school every day. She cries when she gets bad marks. He does his homework in the evenings. She laughs when she watches comedy films.
Добавить текст Вернуть оригинал3. Поставьте глаголы в скобочках в простое настоящее время.
Runs, live, give, weighs, sleep, has, taste, moves, eats, keep.
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