ГДЗ по английскому шестой класс. spotlight 6: workbook Ваулина рабочая тетрадь | Страница 40

Тип:рабочая тетрадь
Серия:Английский в фокусе

Страница 40

4. Подчеркните правильное временное выражение.

1. every week

2. twice a week

3. at the moment

4. at the moment

5. Ответьте на следующие вопросы.

1. they are

2. he does

3. I don’t

4. I am

5. she isn’t

6. they do

7. he doesn’t

8. they aren’t

9. I do

10. she doesn’t

6. Исправьте ошибки в предложениях ниже.

1. is

2. work

3. doesn’t

4. eat out

5. never

6. loves

7. do

8. doing

9. go

7. a) Переведите на английский язык:

To play computer games, to go fishing, to have fun, a tiring activity, twice a week, to prefer team games, to ride a bike, a boring/dull game, to suggest an idea.

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b) Переведите на английский язык. Не забывайте о предлогах.

To be interested in tennis, to be fond of reading, to play board games, to argue with friends, to wait the rain to stop, to agree with parents, for a change, to look for the tickets

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8. Переведите ситуации на английский язык.

a) – Do you like playing board games?

- I’m interested in Monopoly, but I think Dominoes are a dull game.

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- You like Monopoly, because you always win and your uncle loses.

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- My uncle can’t play Monopoly. This game annoys him. He argues and loses. And then he becomes angry.

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b) – Join our club. We go camping, swimming, cycling. We are interested in photography. We catch interesting moments and capture them. And you can learn how to do it too. Join us and get some pleasure.

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c) – Misha is fond of painting. He wants to join the Art club. He will visit the art museums and learn how to paint. The Art club works on Tuesdays and Fridays, right after school. Misha is free on these days. Misha is also interested in reading. Every Monday he goes to the library and change books. The library is a Book club. Children come here to talk about interesting books.

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