
Заполните фразы, выберите правильные ответы, напишите время и заполните предложения в Present Continuous.


{"q":"I. Дополните фразы следующим словом: go, do, go, have, get, eat.","a":"1. go to bed, 2. eat lunch, 3. have dinner, 4. get up, 5. do homework, 6. go to school."},{"q":"II. Выбери правильный ответ:","a":"1. b. 04:45, 2. a. 17:00, 3. b. 10:05."},{"q":"Напишите время фразой:","a":"06:00 - It's six o'clock. 08:30 - It's half past eight. 09:15 - It's a quarter past nine. 07:15 - It's a quarter past seven. 06:45 - It's a quarter to seven. 10:45 - It's a quarter to eleven."},{"q":"III. Используйте время Present Continuous:","a":"1. My family is having lunch now. 2. Mary is listening to music now. 3. The children are washing the dog in the bathroom. 4. I am taking a bath now. 5. He is watching the children playing in the yard. 6. She is playing games with her friend. 7. Are you watering the flowers? 8. I am not doing homework now."}
