
Translate the words and provide explanations.


Here is the translation of the listed words with explanations: - milk (молоко) – a white liquid produced by mammals. - cow (корова) – a domestic animal raised for milk and meat. - goat (коза) – a domestic animal raised for milk, meat, and wool. - snake farm (змеиная ферма) – a place where snakes are bred and studied. - dangerous (опасный) – involving risk or harm. - bite (укус) – the act of using teeth to cut something. - hand (рука) – a part of the body at the end of the arm. - arm (рука) – the upper limb of the human body. - early (рано) – happening before the usual time. - catch (ловить) – to capture or seize. - type (тип) – a kind or category. - poisonous (ядовитый) – containing poison. - enclosure (ограждение) – an area surrounded by barriers. - laboratory (лаборатория) – a place for scientific experiments. - venom (яд) – a toxic substance secreted by some animals. - teeth (зубы) – hard structures in the mouth for chewing. - team (команда) – a group of people working together. - make (делать) – to create or produce. - medicine (лекарство) – a substance used for treating illness. - antivenin (противоядие) – a serum used to counteract venom. - die (умереть) – to cease living. - puppy (щенок) – a young dog.
