
296. Употребите Past Continuous для обозначения прерванного действия и Past Simple для обозначения прерывающего действия.


1. She went to bed when suddenly she saw a mouse. 2. We were sitting down to dinner when the doorbell rang. 3. Columbus was trying to reach India when he found America. 4. The family was watching a television programme when the burglar broke into the house. 5. Peter was meeting his friend's car as he was crossing the street. 6. He was suffering from shock when I saw him in hospital. 7. He made a good recovery and when I last saw him he was working as hard as ever. 8. While he was lying in bed, his firm was paying his wages every week. 9. Mary's grandfather hurt his back while he was digging in the vegetable garden yesterday. 10. They put him to bed at once. Just as he was falling asleep, the doctor arrived.
